Picture of Thomas Smith

About me…

Hi. My name is Tom Smith. Yes, that’s my real name. Thomas Alan Smith to be exact, but no one calls me that except my mother. When she’s mad at me.

I’m a web developer, software engineer, and techie with a bunch of years of experience. Born and raised in Southern California, I’ve lived here my whole life and I really love the cultural, social, and geographic diversity of the area. In my spare time I sing, play guitar & drums, do photography, and enjoy spending time with my wife and two dogs.

I’ve enjoyed watching the web grow into a legitimate, full-fledged application development platform. I appreciate the immediacy of developing for the web, and strive to apply the best practices I’ve learned over the years from native application development.


Kaiser Permanente

Freelance Web Developer (2013 - 2016)

Modern VideoFilm

Post Production Engineer (2012 - 2013)

Film & Television Industry

Freelance Audio Engineer (2005 - 2011)

Kaiser Permanente

Freelance Web Developer (2011 - 2012)


Sr. Software Engineer (2001 - 2003)


Sr. Software Engineer (2001)


Software Engineer (1999 - 2001)


Software Engineer (1992 - 1999)